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Associate Certification Course in 
Gestalt Psychology

(Inspired by the Work of Fritz Perls & as taught by Dick McHugh)

Registrations Now Open!

Early Birds Seats Available: 2

Please fill in the details below as mentioned in order to proceed towards the course. 

Personal Details
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Contact Details
Permanent address
Professional Details
Course Details
Which mode would you prefer attending the course?

Please note, the decision to attend either online or offline can be made/changed even a day before the course begins. But however you attend the first day, is how you will have to attend all the days. We do not allow switching in between for any reason.

Information & Consent:
Please carefully read all the information mentioned below and tick them to acknowledge and agree the you have read, understood and accept the information mentioned. In all instances referring to the ‘organization’, it pertains to The Anil Thomas Fellowship (a brand owned by McHugh Global Learning Systems Pvt Ltd.)
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